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Our Academic Philosophy
I am delighted to welcome you to Akheville School where we ensure all learners are adequately catered for. The school operates a well-blended British/Nigerian curriculum. The end product is to have learners who demonstrate clear understanding of what has been taught and how it can be applied to solve future problems.

We believe that not all teaching leads to learning. This is the reason our teachers are trained in delivering experiential learning activities where the learners live through the lessons instead of just being passive learners. This experiential learning allows our learners to truly feel and understand how what they are learning can be applied in real-life situations. This way, we are certain that they fully understand not just what they are learning but why they are learning these things as well. In addition, this method helps us in reaching every child at his/her destination. Individualised learning is very critical to what we want to achieve.

The school builds its curriculum around the latest four C’s of education – Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration and Communication. Our emphasis is on moulding a child who can think critically and creatively about future problems and solutions; collaborate effectively with like minds in putting the solutions to use; as well as communicate their thoughts in a polite but confident manner. Therefore, all our subjects and lessons are structured towards this direction.

We are aware that this will never be possible without providing a safe and comfortable environment for them to thrive. Therefore, the teachers and other caregivers are trained to be fully aware of the emotional, social, physical and psychological need of our learners. Learners can only thrive where all adults around them are sensitive and responsive to their needs. Hence, we create an inspiring, lively, challenging, child-centred environment where every child counts.

At the end of it all, our plan is to touch every learner by moulding them into confident leaders who would have been prepared to solve their personal and community problems wherever they find themselves. We want to ensure that every child who passes through our curricular and extra-curricular programmes is well equipped to take the world by storm!

Contact Us
Akheville School,
House 3, Road 3,
Phase II, Aco/AMAC Estate,
Airport Road, Lugbe - Abuja
07032036495, 09029308009
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